The Lone Signal project will blast out a torrent of user-generated text and image messages next week with the intention of contacting any forms of intelligent life in our galaxy.Chatting with your next door neighbor is one thing, but how about chatting with extraterrestrial neighbors in far-off reaches of our galaxy?Starting on June 18, The Lone Signal project will allow people to send their every thought to other potential forms of intelligent life in our galaxy.While scientists have attempted to contact.....
extraterrestrial life with one-off beams in the past, the Lone Signal's planned transmission on June 18 at the Jamesburg Earth Station in Carmel, Calif., will be the first time anyone has attempted a continuous "mass hailing" communication, Universe Today reported.The Lone Signal founders — a cadre of scientists and entrepreneurs — will target Gliese 526, a star system 17.6 light-years away from Earth that has been identified as a good candidate for harboring life, reported.Anyone with Internet access can (potentially) have their voice heard by ET's if they sign up with Lone Signal. The first galactic missive is free of charge, but subsequent transmissions (including images) will come with a small price tag, which is how the Lone Signal founders say they'll sustain their essentially crowdsourced project. Users can then dedicate their beam and track how far it and others' have traveled in the universe.
"It's important that it is feasible for anyone to take part in this experiment because it is so unique," Lone Signal chief marketing officer Ernesto Qualizza said at a press conference in New York this week.
"It's never been that case that anyone on the face of the Earth can commune with the cosmos, and we are opening up that portal to the masses."
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