Sunday, 26 May 2013

<>|| Internet speed will increase

ইন্টারনেটের গতি বাড়াতে হবে সংসদীয় কমিটির সুপারিশThe speed of the Internet is still not satisfactory. So the speed of reduction, but also will increase. Sunday 45 th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Parliament is not recommended.In addition to international incoming and outgoing calls in the minutes of the 6 million to promote besite told a parliamentary committee. At the same time, all kinds of activities to strengthen monitoring to prevent
illegal tarminesana bitiarasike is recommended. Pasapasi international kyariyaradera from collecting all arrears have been asked to take action.He recently uploaded to the Internet BTCL reduces the speed. Once again, it is not withdrawn. The meeting of the committee in consultation with the legal aspects of the sanslistadera in an acceptable diotira (Department of Telecom) has been asked to prepare the outline.The BTCL ongoing development of the project last March at 013 Progress report is presented and discussed. More progress in the implementation of development projects tbarantita projects successfully completed within the specified time period in order to strengthen monitoring is recommended.The March issue of the amount of outstanding international kyariyaradera and Revenue acquiring a report is to be presented at the meeting.Call tarminesana to prevent illegal operations from time to time and details of the action taken and the cases related to the latest developments regarding the information presented and discussed during the meeting. BTCL and to accelerate the speed of the BTRC work quickly to implement the recommendations of the two to meet all of the terms are zero.Committee presided over the meeting chattara abaducha. Committee members and টেলিযোগাযোগমন্ত্রী Sahara Khatun, was the whip of Firoz, Md. Moazzem Hossain, Abdul Quddus and took part in three.The Secretary of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications abubakara Siddique, BTRC Chairman Sunil Kanti bosasaha and Telecommunications Ministry and the Parliament Secretariat officials attended the meeting.

10 million active SIM:
10 million active SIM has been announced in the coming weeks, said Sunil Kanti Bose, BTRC Chairman. After the meeting of the Standing Committee on the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Sunil Kanti Bose told journalists the information.
Through a variety of goods to be sent within one week to reach the right place at the next meeting of the parliamentary committee said in a report to be submitted.

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