Thursday, 13 June 2013

||***|| U.K. Lawmakers Slam Google Over ‘Contrived’ Tax Strategy.

U.K. lawmakers attacked Google Inc. (GOOG) for defending a “highly contrived” strategy of booking advertising sales through Ireland to reduce its tax liability in Britain.Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee said in a report published in London today that “public confidence”.In the company “will only be restored when it establishes a corporate structure that ensures Google pays tax where it generates profit.”

@><@ You might be able to communicate with aliens next week____

The Lone Signal project will blast out a torrent of user-generated text and image messages next week with the intention of contacting any forms of intelligent life in our galaxy.Chatting with your next door neighbor is one thing, but how about chatting with extraterrestrial neighbors in far-off reaches of our galaxy?Starting on June 18, The Lone Signal project will allow people to send their every thought to other potential forms of intelligent life in our galaxy.While scientists have attempted to contact.....

||><||Navy Stops Yelling, Drops All-Caps Messaging.

Recently, a U.S. congresswoman sent around an email that called for an end to TV commercials that were louder than the TV shows people were watching. The subject line of that email was in all caps, though, so I joked on Twitter that it was, ironically, like she was yelling at all of us.
Why? Since the days of AOL dial-up, those of us schooled in Internet etiquette know that writing in all caps online is tantamount to screaming. But one organization that didn't get the message - until now - was the U.S. Navy.
Historically, Navy messages have been formatted

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Business Software Showcase <>

রাজস্ব বাড়াতে অ্যাকাউন্টিং সফটওয়্যার সহায়ক বিজনেস সফটওয়্যার শোকেসBangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) and ICT Business Promotion Council (aibipisi) aditoriyame basis through the 'Business Software Showcase, the three-day exhibition is accounting software.The Institute of Chartered Accounts of Bangladesh (aisiebira) president Abdus Salam, ephasie chief guest inaugurated the

<>|| Internet speed will increase

ইন্টারনেটের গতি বাড়াতে হবে সংসদীয় কমিটির সুপারিশThe speed of the Internet is still not satisfactory. So the speed of reduction, but also will increase. Sunday 45 th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Parliament is not recommended.In addition to international incoming and outgoing calls in the minutes of the 6 million to promote besite told a parliamentary committee. At the same time, all kinds of activities to strengthen monitoring to prevent

||><|| Not decreasing the price of the mobile Internet ||><||

কমছে না মোবাইল ইন্টারনেটের দাম! Since 1996. Keywords are associated with the Internet through Bangladesh. 1 lakh would be spent on the Internet per emabipiesa of 0. But at the BTCL would not have sold any byandauithada.BTCL and myango jointly at the byandauithada sells. However, the price of bandwidth kamaleo installments of the consumers of the benefits are going to remain adharai. The mobile operator and Internet sebadatara abakathamote investing in huge gathers.

|| <>The captioned inexpensive iPhone 5!

জুনেই কমদামি আইফোন ৫এস! Rumors of the iPhone gunjane mukhara world. It increases the level of cult ayapalapremira. Speculation about the inexpensive version of the iPhone - imagine the level reached endlessly.The truth is coming out a lot of research prior forecast. Captioned in the coming year could match the experimental models of the iPhone 5. Some of the information in the world media.